Tag: whiten teeth

Tooth Whitening Sensitivity

With the holiday fast approaching, we always get several questions about tooth whitening.   Whats the best whitening? How can I whiten the fastest?  And most importantly, how can I prevent sensitivity from whitening?  The answer is…there isn’t a best answer for everyone!   Here are some tips to prevent sensitivity from whitening: Use fluoride before whitening. Specialized toothpaste with…

Celebrity Dental Makeovers!

Dentistry makes a difference!  Familiar Faces Wearing Braces A dental makeover may be easier than you think,  and  it can have a huge impact on a persons confidence and smile.   Sometimes a simple bonding or whitening procedure can make a huge difference in a person’s appearance.   If you ever considered changing your smile, talk to  your dentist to see what they can…

Top 10 Reasons to Whiten Your Teeth

Have you ever thought about whitening your teeth? You’re not alone. Teeth whitening is the No. 1 requested cosmetic service today and its popularity continues to soar, according to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.  Although teeth are not really supposed to be bright white, no one wants their teeth to look like a row of corn. Some of the…

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