Tag: dentist dublin ohio


Join our team for the FORE!Miler on May 25th at 7:00pm. The race takes off from Muirfield Village Golf Club.  Use the team name SmileBig at registration. Dr. Edwards will be donating $10 to KidSmiles for every team participant. For more information on KidSmiles, visit www.kidsmilesclinic.com or https://www.edwardsfamilydental.com/services/kidsmiles-clinic/.   We look forward to seeing you at the race! #SmileBig

Military Care Packages

Many of our patients are members of the Army National Guard.  We are proud of their service and thankful for all that they do for our country.   In April, we sent a number of care packages overseas to our patients who are deployed.  We sent lots of goodies including snacks, candy, and personal care items. Here is a letter…

Are You at Risk for Oral Cancer?

We all know that smoking can cause oral cancer.  But, what are some of the other causes that can put you at risk?  April is oral cancer awareness month and  Edwards Family Dental wants you to know if you are at risk. Did you know that smoking while drinking alcohol increases your risk?  Did you know that poor diet has…

Associations and Memberships

We’re proud to be affiliated with the following organizations:
Contact Us / Our Location

Contact info

123, New Lenox, Chicago IL 60606

Gathering Times


8:00am, 9:15am, 11:00am

Office Tour / Request Appointment
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