Tag: dental visit


Join our team for the FORE!Miler on May 25th at 7:00pm. The race takes off from Muirfield Village Golf Club.  Use the team name SmileBig at registration. Dr. Edwards will be donating $10 to KidSmiles for every team participant. For more information on KidSmiles, visit www.kidsmilesclinic.com or https://www.edwardsfamilydental.com/services/kidsmiles-clinic/.   We look forward to seeing you at the race! #SmileBig

Scary Statistics About Oral Cancer

These areas should be self-checked regularly.   If you develop a bump or sore that does not go away within 2 weeks, you should visit your dentist. Scary, but true: Close to 43,250 Americans will be diagnosed with oral or pharyngeal cancer this year. It will cause over 8,000 deaths, killing roughly 1 person per hour, 24 hours per day. Of…

Associations and Memberships

We’re proud to be affiliated with the following organizations:
Contact Us / Our Location

Contact info

123, New Lenox, Chicago IL 60606

Gathering Times


8:00am, 9:15am, 11:00am

Office Tour / Request Appointment
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